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    Type 8693 - Digital electropneumatic process controller for integrated mounting on process control valves


    Type Description

    The compact process controller device Type 8693 is optimised for integrated mounting on the pneumatic actuators in the Type 23xx/2103 process valve series and is specially designed for the requirements of a hygienic process environment. The actual value of the process factor is directly supplied to the device as 4-20 mA, PT100 or a frequency signal. The process controller calculates the setpoint for the subordinated positioner based on the variance comparison. Via the analogue feedback, all analogue values on the control levels can be transferred. The integrated diagnostic functions are used to monitor control valve operating conditions. Valve diagnostic messages via status signals are issued in accordance with NE107 (NAMUR) and recorded as historical entries. The parameterisation of process controller and positioner can be carried out automatically. The easy operation and the selection of additional software functions are carried out either via the large graphic display with backlight and keypad or via COMMUNICATOR. The positioner registers the valve position without deterioration via a contact-free, analogue position sensor. The actuation of single or double-acting actuators is carried out without internal air consumption. Communication interfaces such as PROFIBUS DP-V1, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, Modbus TCP, büS (based on CANopen) and analogue as well as digital feedback are optionally available.

    • Compact and robust stainless steel design
    • Easy start-up via Tune function for position and process controller
    • Contact-free position sensor
    • Integrated pilot air duct with spring chamber aeration
    • PROFIBUS DP-V1, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, Modbus TCP or büS (Bürkert System Bus)

    For selecting the correct product please refer to the technical data, images and notes for proper use according to the data sheet.


    Data Sheets

    Language / Country
    DTS Data sheet Type 8693 | Digital electropneumatic positioner 1.9 MB EN / EU
    DTS Data sheet Type KK01 | Adapterkits for hygienic process valves 7.9 MB EN / EU
    DTS 规格页 KK01 型 | 适配卫生型过程阀的配件 9.6 MB ZH / CN
    DTS Datenblatt Typ 8693 | Digitaler elektropneumatischer Prozessregler 1.9 MB DE / DE
    DTS Datenblatt Typ KK01 | Adaptersets für hygienische Prozessventile 7.9 MB DE / DE
    DTS Ficha de dados Tipo 8693 | Regulador de posición/controlador de processo 3.1 MB PT / BR
    DTS Ficha técnica Tipo 8693 | Regulador de posición digital electroneumático 3.1 MB ES / ES

    User Manuals

    Language / Country
    MAN Additional manual Type 8690 869X 8798 | Control units with ATEX approval 599.6 kB EN / EU
    MAN Cabling Guide | büS/EDIP 609.5 kB EN / EU
    MAN Operating Instructions Type 8692 8693 | Positioner / Process Controller REV.2 2.9 MB EN / EU
    MAN Software Manual | Communication, cyclic commands, access tobüS objects 820.9 kB EN / EU
    MAN Software manual | Type 8920 Bürkert Communicator 948 kB EN / EU
    MAN Additional manual Type 8681 8694 869X 879X | USB Interface for serial communication 2 MB EN,FR,DE / EU
    MAN Additional manual Type 8692 8693 | ELECTRICAL CONNECTION 784.4 kB EN,FR,DE / EU
    MAN Operating Instructions Type 8692 8693 | Electropneumatic positioner and process controller 2.8 MB EN / EU
    MAN Quickstart Type 8692 8693 | Positioner / Process Controller 2.2 MB EN / EU
    MAN Quickstart Type 8692 8693 | Positioner / Process Controller REV.2 1.4 MB EN / EU
    MAN Safety Manual | Valves, Positioner | Version - 597.8 kB EN / EU
    MAN Service manual Type 8692 869X | Exchange of an 8630 positioner with an ELEMENT positioner 1.2 MB EN,FR,DE / EU
    MAN Software Manual | CANopen Network Configuration 759.6 kB EN / EU
    MAN Software manual Type 8644 | Configuration on the PROFIBUS by means of GSD file 3.9 MB EN,FR,DE / EU
    MAN Software manual Type 8692 8693 8792 8793 | Communication positioner / process controller 2.7 MB EN,FR,DE / EU
    MAN 操作手冊 8690 8691 8692 8693 8694 8695 8696 8798 型 | 通過 ATEX 防爆認證和 FM 認證的控制單元(PR07) 1.5 MB ZH / TW
    MAN 补充说明书 8690 8691 8692 8693 8694 8695 8696 8798 型 | 具有 ATEX 认证和 FM 认证的控制装置 (PR07) 1.8 MB ZH / CN
    MAN Bedienungsanleitung Typ 8692 8693 | Positioner / Prozessregler REV.2 3 MB DE / DE
    MAN Guia de cabeamento | büS/EDIP 3.6 MB PT / BR
    MAN Instrukcja obsługi Oprogramowanie | Typ 8920 Oprogramowaniekomunikacyjne do urządzeń 2 MB PL / PL
    MAN Manual de operação Tipo 8692,8693 REV.2 | Posicionador / Controlador de processo 6.1 MB PT / BR
    MAN Manuel d'utilisation Type 8692 8693 | Positionneur / Régulateur de process REV.2 3.4 MB FR / FR
    MAN Manuel du logiciel | Type 8920 Bürkert Communicator 955 kB FR / FR
    MAN Manuel du logiciel | communication, commandes cycliques, accès aux objets büS 831.7 kB FR / FR
    MAN Manuel supplémentaire Type 8690 8691 8692 8693 8694 8695 8696 8798 | AC181 homologat. ATEX 627.3 kB FR / FR
    MAN Návod k obsluze Typ 8692, 8693 REV.2 | Pozicionér / procesní regulátor 12.5 MB CS / CZ
    MAN Software-Anleitung | Kommunikation, zyklische Befehle ausführen, Zugriff auf büS-Objekte 828.8 kB DE / DE
    MAN Software-Anleitung | Typ 8920 Bürkert Communicator 943.9 kB DE / DE
    MAN Verkabelungsleitfaden | büS/EDIP 628.2 kB DE / DE
    MAN Zusatzanleitung Typ 8690 8691 8692 8693 8694 8695 8696 8798 | AC181 ATEX-Zulassung 609.6 kB DE / DE
    MAN buS/EDIP ケーブルガイド 654.1 kB JA / JP
    MAN 取扱説明書 タイプ8692、8693 REV.2ポジショナー / プロセスコントローラ 5.8 MB JA / JP
    MAN Bedienungsanleitung Typ 8692 8693 | Elektropneumatischer Positioner und Prozessregler 2.9 MB DE / DE
    MAN Instruções adicionais | Tipo 8690 - 8696, 8798 | AC181 certificado ATEX 1.5 MB PT / BR
    MAN Istruzioni d'uso Tipo 8692, 8693 REV.2 | Posizionatore / Regolatore di processo 8.4 MB IT / IT
    MAN Istruzioni d'uso Tipo 8692, 8693 REV.2 | Posizionatore / Regolatore di processo 8.4 MB IT / IT
    MAN Käyttöohje Tyyppi 8692, 8693 REV.2 | Asennoitin / prosessisäädin 5.5 MB FI / FI
    MAN Manual de instrucciones Modelo 8692, 8693 REV.2 | Posicionador / Regulador de proceso 4.3 MB ES / ES
    MAN Manual de operação Tipo 8692,8693 REV.2 | Posicionador / Controlador de processo 8.5 MB PT / BR
    MAN Manuel d'utilisation Type 8692 8693 | Positionneur et régulateur de process électropneum. 3.2 MB FR / FR
    MAN Quickstart Typ 8692 8693 | Positioner / Prozessregler 2.1 MB DE / DE
    MAN Quickstart Typ 8692 8693 | Positioner / Prozessregler REV.2 1.3 MB DE / DE
    MAN Quickstart Type 8692 8693 | Positioner / Procesregelaar 2.9 MB NL / NL
    MAN Quickstart Type 8692 8693 | Positionneur / Régulateur de process 2.2 MB FR / FR
    MAN Quickstart Type 8692 8693 | Positionneur / Régulateur de process REV.2 1.4 MB FR / FR
    MAN Quickstart Type 8692, 8693 REV2 | Positioner / procesregelaar 3.1 MB NL / NL
    MAN Rychlý start Typ 8692, 8693 Rev. 2 | Nastavovací regulátor / Procesní regulátor 2.3 MB CS / CZ
    MAN Software-Anleitung | CANopen Netzwerkkonfiguration 824.1 kB DE / DE
    MAN Szybkie wprowadzenie Typ 8692, 8693 REV. 2 | Pozycjoner/regulator procesowy 2.4 MB PL / PL


    Language / Country
    SOW Buerkert Communicator 8.1.4 526.2 MB ML
    SOW Device Description Files A.17 24.1 MB ML
    SOW PACTware + DTM Collection 6.2.0020 320.1 MB ML
    SOW Add-On-Profile AOP A.01 234.1 MB ML
    SOW Buerkert Communicator for HART 5.4.1 87.7 MB ML
    SOW Positioner DTM Collection 1.0 13.1 MB ML

    Declaration of Conformity

    Language / Country
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Declaration 40.4 kB EN,FR,DE
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Material Compliance RoHS-Manufacturer declaration 220.6 kB EN
    ABD ProdCert|Ex 8691ff_8798 BVS 14 ATEX E 008X 1.5 MB EN,DE
    ABD ProdCert|Ex 869x_8798 IECEx BVS 14.0009X 519.2 kB EN
    ABD ProdCert|Ex CCC Certificate,China,869x8798 972.2 kB ML
    ABD ProdCert|Ex FM CoC Cl1 Div2 US/CA PR07 1.9 MB EN
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Material Compliance 40.2 kB EN
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Material Compliance RoHS-Déclaration du fabricant 30.9 kB FR
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Material Compliance RoHS-Herstellererklärung 651.5 kB DE
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Material Compliance 41.7 kB FR
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Material Compliance 40.9 kB DE

    Certificates/Manufacturer Declarations

    Language / Country
    ABD EtherNet/IP | 12147 | 8692 141.7 kB EN
    ABD PROFINET | Z12090 | 8693 105.9 kB EN

    Functional Safety

    Language / Country
    ABD ProdCert|Safety 8690ff Exida FMEDA 767.9 kB EN
    ABD ProdCert|Safety Exida Zertifikat SIL 109.2 kB EN

    Flyers and Catalogues

    Language / Country
    MISC Product Overview Process and Control Valves    3.3 MB EN / EU