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    Type 8605 - PWM control electronics for electromagnetic proportional valves


    Type Description

    The digital control electronics Type 8605 are used to operate proportional solenoid control valves in a power range from 40-2000 mA. The electronics convert an external standard signal into a pulse-width modulated (PWM) signal, which enables infinite adjustment of the opening of the proportional valve and hence a fluidic output parameter (e.g. flow rate). An internal current control with the duty cycle of the PWM signal as an actuating variable ensures that every value of the input signal, irrespective of the thermal state of the coil, is unambiguously assigned a given value of the effective coil current. A display and operating keys allow the electronics to be easily adapted to a particular proportional valve and to the specific conditions of an application. In order to integrate the control unit - and thus also the proportional valve - into a higher-level controller, the CAN-based variant of the control unit (called büS) is required. Parameterisation and configuration of the proportional valve can be performed quickly and easily using the Bürkert Communicator software. Furthermore, the büS control electronics enables the integration of shut-off valves into büS/CAN systems. By using the integrated time control function, a shut-off valve can be opened or closed for a certain period of time. This enables, for example, batch control solutions in filling processes. Optionally, Type 8605 can be equipped with an additional I/O board. This allows the connection of external sensors or switches. The valve behaviour on these input signals can be configured (e.g. 2-point control).

    • Programmable digital electronics
    • Converts an analogue input signal into a PWM output signal
    • Adjustable PWM frequency
    • Digital communication (büS) possible
    • Optional integrated time control and digital/analogue inputs

    For selecting the correct product please refer to the technical data, images and notes for proper use according to the data sheet.


    Data Sheets

    Language / Country
    DTS Data sheet Type 8605 | PWM control electronics for solenoid control valves 943 kB EN / EU
    DTS データシート タイプ 8605 | 電磁比例バルブ用PWM制御電子技術 981.6 kB JA / JP
    DTS 规格页 8605 型 | 用于电磁比例阀的 PWM 控制电子设备 1.4 MB ZH / CN
    DTS 資料表 8605 型 | 用於電磁比例閥的 PWM 控制電子設備 1.4 MB ZH / HK
    DTS Datenblatt Typ 8605 | PWM-Ansteuerelektronik für Proportionalventile 952.8 kB DE / DE

    User Manuals

    Language / Country
    MAN Cabling Guide | büS/EDIP 609.5 kB EN / EU
    MAN Software manual | Central configuration management 1.1 MB EN / EU
    MAN Supplement Type 8605 2836 2861 2863 2865 2871 2873 2875 6024 6223 | PWM frequencies 69.3 kB EN,FR,DE / EU
    MAN Additional Information Type 8605 | Serial communication (RS232 / RS 485) 3.7 MB EN,FR,DE / EU
    MAN Operating Instructions Type 8605 | Digital Control Electronics for Proportional Valves 2.4 MB EN / EU
    MAN Quickstart Type 8605 | Digital Control Electronics for Proportional Valves 394.5 kB EN / EU
    MAN Quickstart Type 8605 | Digital control electronics for solenoid valves 383 kB EN / EU
    MAN Software manual Type 8605 | Software for digital control electronics 861.6 kB EN / EU
    MAN 取扱説明書 – ソフトウェア | Bürkert装置の中央構 747 kB JA / JP
    MAN Guia de cabeamento | büS/EDIP 3.6 MB PT / BR
    MAN Instrukcja obsługi Oprogramowanie | Centralne zarządzanie konfiguracją urządzeń 795.9 kB PL / PL
    MAN Manuel du logiciel | Gestion centrale de la configuration 1 MB FR / FR
    MAN Software-Anleitung | Zentrale Konfigurationsverwaltung 1 MB DE / DE
    MAN Verkabelungsleitfaden | büS/EDIP 628.2 kB DE / DE
    MAN buS/EDIP ケーブルガイド 654.1 kB JA / JP
    MAN 取扱説明書 タイプ 8605 | 比例電磁弁用コントローラ 2.2 MB JA / JP
    MAN Bedienungsanleitung Typ 8605 | Digitale Ansteuerelektronik für Proportionalventile 2.4 MB DE / DE
    MAN Manual de usuario Tipo 8605 | Sistema electrónico de excitación para válvulas proporcion. 1.6 MB ES / ES
    MAN Manuel d'utilisation Type 8605 | Régulateur électronique numérique [vannes proport.] 2.3 MB FR / FR
    MAN Manuel du logiciel Type 8605 | Logiciel pour régulateur électronique numérique 881.4 kB FR / FR
    MAN Quickstart Typ 8605 | Digitale Ansteuerelektronik für Magnetventile 388.6 kB DE / DE
    MAN Quickstart Typ 8605 | Digitale Ansteuerelektronik für Proportionalventile 676.6 kB DE / DE
    MAN Quickstart Type 8605 | Régulateur électronique numérique pour électrovanne 393.5 kB FR / FR
    MAN Quickstart Type 8605 | Régulateur électronique numérique pour vannes proportionnelles 413.4 kB FR / FR
    MAN Software-Anleitung Typ 8605 |Software für digitale Ansteuerelektronik 869.6 kB DE / DE


    Language / Country
    SOW Buerkert Communicator 8.1.4 526.2 MB ML
    SOW MFC_Driver_DLL (A.16) A.16 6.1 MB ML

    Declaration of Conformity

    Language / Country
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Declaration 28.6 kB EN,FR,DE
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Material Compliance 40.2 kB EN
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Material Compliance 41.7 kB FR
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Material Compliance 40.9 kB DE